Christ Congregational Church

Worship on Sundays at 10:30 AM ET

Mark Your Calendars:

Sundays, January 19, 26, and February 2: we will meet via Zoom only (10:30 a.m.). 

Sunday, 10:30 a. m. on February 9, 2024, we will meet in person at our new interim home: 

the Fellowship Hall (side entrance on Ballard Street) at

Silver Spring United Methodist Church 

8900 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20910

(Parking for CCC is across Ballard Street in the Dept of Health and Human Services parking lot)

Church (CCC)

in Silver Spring, MD is an inclusive community of spiritual seekers where we honor and celebrate people of all races, cultures, ages, abilities, sexual orientations, and gender identities.

Worship on Sundays
at 10:30 AM ET

in person and online

January 19 Worship Materials

January 19 | MLK Weekend 10:30 Worship on Zoom (Zoom only, no in-person worship) We commemorate the humanitarian service of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther...

Jan 5 Worship Materials

We invite you to join us on Jan 5 for our epiphany celebration with the Sacrament of Communion. Communion at CCC is open to all!...

At Christ Congrega­tional Church, you will find seekers of a loving, inclusive God; thinkers and questioners; doubters and believers; those with a passion for social justice; those who have deep roots in our church and those who have no history of church membership. 

We welcome your interest in getting to know us.

In 2006, Christ Congregational Church (CCC) adopted a covenant to become an anti-racist church, committing to dismantle racism and to work towards a society that reflects the Gospel. The Racial Justice Circle (RJC) was established to carry out this mission. The RJC sponsors study groups, leads advocacy efforts, organizes educational sessions, and works closely with the Senior Pastor on initiatives like Black Lives Matter.

We hold a vision of becoming a multi-cultural, multi-racial, anti-racist congregation that more faithfully reflects the entire community of Silver Spring, Maryland. We believe it is our role to take an active stance in systematically dismantling racism. A part of an anti-racism stance is acknowledging a system of white privilege in the United States which tends to perpetuate societal stereotypes in all its citizens. 

Read our Anti-racist Covenant

CCC is an Open and Affirming church

Christ Congregational Church (CCC) accepts people of all sexual identities and gender expressions.  We believe that all people are made in God’s image, united in Christ, and filled with power by the Holy Spirit.

CCC’s Open and Affirming (ONA) committee helps CCC remain an active, visible, and reliable presence in the LGBTQ+ community. ONA committee members represent CCC at various functions, such as: DC TransPride; Capital Pride; Transgender Day of Remembrance; HIV-AIDS walks; and LGBTQ suicide awareness and prevention functions.

Read our Open & Affirming Covenant 

The Just Peace Church vision is a hallmark of the United Church of Christ (UCC) theological identity. The Just Peace pronouncement articulated the UCC position on war and peace distinct from other approaches such as crusade, pacifism, or “just war.”

The position of Just Peace focuses attention on alleviating systemic injustice of all types using non-violence. At CCC, we offer the message, grounded in hope of reconciliation in Jesus, that “Peace is Possible.”

 Read our Just Peace Covenant

Our Ministries

No matter where you are on your faith journey, you are welcome at our church as we worship God and seek to follow the teachings of Jesus.

CCC is led by a professional team of clergy and laity who are committed to supporting you on your spiritual journey with open minds and loving hearts.

CCC is accepting ongoing donations of food and other supplies for Mid-County United Ministries (MUM) and other nonprofit organizations dedicated to overcoming systemic poverty and hunger in the community.

Discover the CCC Retreat Center



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