Christ Congregational Church

September 22 Worship Materials

September 22 Worship Materials

This Sunday, September 22nd, 10:30am

We are delighted to invite you to the third Sunday of our Fall Season of worship at Christ Congregational Church — where our inclusive community of spiritual seekers honors and celebrates people of all races, cultures, ages, abilities, sexual orientations, and gender identities. Join us on Sunday September 22nd at 10:30 AM, in person or on Zoom.

This week Rev. Gloria Grant and Don Bruns lead the worship service. Don Bruns will offer a sermon, “The Process of Leaving”, based on Genesis 32:22-32. We will enjoy beautiful music by our beloved Chancel Choir, as well as a musical interlude by Sam Wack, piano. Here is the bulletin for this Sunday.

After worship, please join us for coffee and refreshments downstairs in the Social Hall after worship!

Download the Bulletin

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Meeting ID: 119 508 399

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Meeting ID: 119 508 399