Christ Congregational Church

February 16 Worship Materials

February 16 Worship Materials

Join us this Sunday February 16th at 10:30am Via Zoom
for the Third Sunday of Black History Month!

We hold fast to dreams, O God,

for when dreams go, life is a barren field

frozen with snow.

So thaw the frost of fear,

kindle the fire of hope,

and strengthen us to build, to love, to dream

and never let go.

We invite you to worship with us. Christ Congregational Church is an inclusive community of spiritual seekers where we honor and celebrate people of all races, cultures, ages, abilities, sexual orientations, and gender identities.

Worship will be via Zoom only this Sunday. Cheryl Simmons, our Lay Reader, will lead us in an opening prayer based on “Dreams” by Langston Hughes (excerpted above), and will read selections from the Psalms on the theme of breath and breathing. Pastor Matt will offer a sermon this week based on Luke 6:17-26. 

Jesus stood among the people—

among the poor, the hungry, the weary, the rejected,

and lifting his voice, he declared:


Blessed are you who are poor,

for God’s dream is yours. 

Blessed are you who hunger now,

for you will be fed with abundance.


Blessed are you who weep now,

for joy is coming, and your tears will be wiped away.

Music Director Sam Wack will lead us in worship with songs like “I Need Thee Every Hour” and “Every Time I Feel the Spirit”. Come as you are and find connection, hope, and grace in our welcoming spiritual community.

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Meeting ID: 119 508 399

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Meeting ID: 119 508 399