Christ Congregational Church

March 9 Worship

March 9 Worship

Join Us This Sunday March 9 at 10 AM DST* 
combined worship service with SSUMC

*Be sure to take Daylight Savings Time into account this weekend!
The pastors of CCC and SSUMC will lead a combined worship service this First Sunday in Lent, March 9th, in the main sanctuary at SSUMC at 10 AM. CCC’s Chancel Choir and SSUMC’s Choir will sing together during the worship service this Sunday. 
SSUMC is located at 8900 Georgia Avenue.
Like last Sunday, Child Care for children 5 and under will be available in the sanctuary “Pray Ground” area. Sunday School for age 4 through 1st grade, and Children’s Chapel for 2nd grade through 5th, is also available. (If you have any questions about childcare or church school, you can reach out to Kristen at, or Lindsay at

The service will be live-streamed via the SSUMC websiteFacebook, and YouTube pages. Please note, we will NOT use our CCC Zoom link this week.
Here is the bulletin for this Sunday

Join us after worship in the Chapel for a “Family Gathering” for CCC and our Women’s History Month Author Event & Post-Worship Conversation.

In a post-worship sharing, Pastor Aubra Love will offer an author event by reading from her recent work. Her book, Our Lactating God: The Embodied Amen is currently in pre-release and available for pre-order from Pilgrim Press and all other book outlets. The book reading will be followed by a conversation facilitated by Pastor Matt Braddock. We will gather after morning worship in the SSUMC Chapel to chat and chew with a gathering of our CCC folks on this second Women’s History Sunday. CCC Men are warmly encouraged to participate.