CCC offers Christian Education and opportunities for spiritual growth for adults of all ages. Our Adult Ministry is composed of a combination of both lay and clergy led classes and faith development sessions.
Opportunities include a Sunday morning Contemporary Theology Class, seasonal studies, small groups like “Women of the Heart”, and the CCC Book Group.
Seasonal Spiritual Reflection opportunities often include faith practices such as walking a labyrinth and silent retreats, and Advent & Lenten studies, as well as discussions and education about how to live out our CCC mission covenants: Becoming Anti-Racist, being a Just Peace church and being an Open & Affirming Church.
Exploring Faith Class - Virtual
The Exploring Faith adult education class meets Sunday mornings, from 8:30 – 9:30 before church by Zoom. We explore our faith journeys and usually have mutually chosen a book to help us focus and learn. For the foreseeable future, we will continue via Zoom.
CCC Book Group is a fellowship group of CCCers who love reading. We meet approximately once a month (for now by Zoom) to discuss a book we have chosen, ranging from fiction to history or other non-fiction.