Christ Congregational Church

December 1 Worship Materials

December 1 Worship Materials

We are delighted to invite you to our First Advent Sunday service this Sunday at Christ Congregational Church — where our inclusive community of spiritual seekers honors and celebrates people of all races, cultures, ages, abilities, sexual orientations, and gender identities. Join us on Sunday December 1st at 10:30 AM, in person or on Zoom.

Pastor Aubra Love and Family will lead us in Lighting the Blue Advent Candle symbolizing Hope on the Advent Wreath, this first Sunday of Advent. Our Lay Reader this Sunday, Betsy Furlong, our Congregational Giving Engagement Area Coordinator, will give a Council Update, share a Scripture Reading (Jeremiah 33:14-18), and lead us in a centering Prayer of Awareness ~

“Lead us from death to life, from falsehood to truth.
Lead us from despair to hope, from fear to trust.
Lead us from hate to love, from war to peace.
Let hope fill our hearts, our world, our universe.”

The CCC Chancel Choir will perform “Lost in the Night,” a Finnish Folk Tune, and “Celtic Advent Carol” by David Angerman, Michael Barrett. Sam Wack will play “O Come, O Come, Immanuel,” Plainsong 13th Century, for us on the piano. Pastor Matt Braddock will offer a Meditation, “Hope in the Hardship”, based on a Reading from Scripture, Luke 21:25-36. Then, Pastor Matt Braddock and Pastor Aubra Love will lead us in The Sacrament of Communion this Communion Sunday.

“Blessed are you, Breath of peace, Giver of all life, Source of Love that knows no boundaries. Your song of wisdom rang out before the world began; throughout the ages, your song of liberation cried out to us with hope for a world where those considered last and least are first and most; violence is overcome by the power of your ancient love; and all siblings work together for peace.”

-Adapted from Gifts in Open Hands by Maren Tirabassi

Communion Sunday also gives us an opportunity to donate to support the Deacon’s Fund. The Deacons Fund is a separate fund from the Unified Budget and is used to support members of the church in times of financial need and is dispersed at the discretion of our Pastoral Team.

We hope you will join us. Here is the bulletin for this Sunday.

Please join us after worship for Pancakes with Mrs. Claus and our Advent Wreath Workshop, downstairs in the Social Hall. We also Kick Off CCC’s Annual Mitten Tree and Coat Collection this Sunday. See details below for both.

Download the Bulletin

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Meeting ID: 119 508 399

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Meeting ID: 119 508 399