Donation Drives

Mid-County United Ministries (MUM)
Mid-County United Ministries (MUM) is a small non-profit based in Wheaton that serves people experiencing food insecurity and financial emergencies in Wheaton, Aspen Hill, and parts of Rockville.
MUM operates a mobile food pantry that goes out to different locations every Sunday serving an average of 150-200 families a week with non-perishable food and fresh produce, bread, etc. MUM also provides financial support to people facing evictions, utility shut offs, and those who cannot afford prescription drugs.
MUM relies on volunteers and in-kind as well as financial donations to serve our neighbors in need. CCC’s CYM has volunteered a couple of times at our food pantries and MUM would welcome more CCC volunteers and support!
How to Get Involved
- Donate fresh produce and/or non-perishable food — or hold a food drive for us in your neighborhood, workplace, school or social groups! Bring donations to the MUM office Tuesdays through Thursdays from 9am to 4pm:
Westfield Wheaton South Building, 7th Floor
11002 Veirs Mill Road
Silver Spring, Md. 20902
301-929-8675 - Send checks to MUM, P.O. Box 1924, Silver Spring, MD 20915-1901 or donate online. All donations are tax deductible.
- Sign up to volunteer. MUM offers SSL hours and the mobile food pantries welcome volunteers of all ages. Young children must be accompanied by parents.
Any questions, please contact Dayna Brown (CCC Member and MUM Executive Director) for more information.

Adventist Community Services of Greater Washington (ACSGW)
ACSGW works to support local families, with a special emphasis on expectant and new moms.
Most-needed items include:
- feminine hygiene products (pads)
- baby diapers
- baby cereals
- peanut butter
- cereal
- soup
- pasta
- pasta sauce
- macaroni and cheese
- rice
- canned vegetables
- canned tuna or salmon
- canned or dried beans
- canned fruit
Please donate regular sizes of these foods; multi-packs of these items are great if you buy wholesale.
How to Donate
Please bring non-perishable items and drop them off in the appropriate bin in the CCC lobby (bin is labeled ACSGW Donations). Times to donate: On Sundays before/after worship, or Monday-Thursday 9:30am-12:30pm.
Past Donation Drives

Reverse Advent Calendar: December 1 – December 24, 2023
Typically, advent calendars are filled with candy and you open one each day starting December 1 and ending on Christmas Day. Reverse advent calendars allow you to donate or give something each day – thus, giving instead of getting.
This year, we are donating all items to Mid-County United Ministries (MUM). Plan to bring your completed box to church at any service on Sunday, December 24th (10:30am, 5pm, or 9pm). The last day to bring completed boxes to church will be Sunday, December 31st.
Each day, add the following items to your box. No glass jars – only plastic, please!
December 1: Box of cereal
December 2: Jar of peanut butter
December 3: Bag of lentils
December 4: Box of potatoes
December 5: Macaroni and cheese
December 6: Canned fruit
December 7: Diapers or wipes
December 8: Canned corn
December 9: Pancake mix
December 10: Jar of applesauce
December 11: Canned vegetables
December 12: Feminine hygiene products
December 13: Canned beans
December 14: Box of crackers
December 15: Bag of rice – brown or white
December 16: Package of oatmeal
December 17: Package of pasta
December 18: Spaghetti sauce
December 19: Canned soup
December 20: Bag of flour or maseca
December 21: Cooking oil
December 22: Canned tuna or chicken
December 23: Toothpaste and toothbrush
December 24: Canned tomatoes
If anyone is available to help transport boxes to MUM after January 1, 2024, please contact the church office.

CCC’s Annual Mitten Tree and Coat Collection
November 26 Through December 17, 2023
The Community School Liaison at JoAnn Leleck Elementary School at Broad Acres just a few miles from CCC is already looking forward to the end of November when she can pick up the gently used and new coats we’ve collected under our Mitten Tree. This MCPS school needs coats for Boys and Girls sizes Small to Extra Large. The school especially needs coats in sizes Medium and Large for both boys and girls. Mittens, hats, gloves and boots are also greatly appreciated. It’s time to clean out your closets for gently used children’s winter wear or do a little shopping. Any questions, contact Kristen Brown: Children’s winter outerwear collection began Sunday November 26 and ends Sunday December 17th.
How to Donate: Drop off your donation during Church Office Hours, Monday-Thursday 9:30am to 12:30pm, or between 10am and 12:30pm on Sunday 12/17. (Church is closed on 12/10 as we are worshipping offsite.)

2023 Thanksgiving Season
Non-Perishable Food Drive to Benefit Food Justice DMV
Please help us collect non-perishable foods to benefit the immigrant families served by Food Justice DMV. The following items — top essentials most often requested by families — will be collected between November 12th and November 19th and then delivered to Food Justice DMV for distribution to families. Items needed are:
- Black Beans – canned or 3-5 pound bags
- Rice – 3-5 pound bags
- Oil – canola or olive
- Maseca – corn flour (sold in Safeway or Giant)
- Diapers: Sizes 5 and 6
- Wipes
- Formula; especially: blue formula (Similac pro-advance or generic equivalent) or orange formula (Similac sensitive or generic equivalent)
Feel free to bring your donation to church this Sunday or drop off your food items during Church Office Hours, Monday – Thursday next week, 9:30am to 12:30pm, or next Sunday November 19th.

2023 Thanksgiving Altar Food Display to Benefit Shepherd’s Table
We will be collecting seasonal fresh foods here at CCC between Nov. 12 and Nov. 16 in order to create our annual Thanksgiving Altar. Immediately after the Thanksgiving Service, the food will be packed up and delivered to Shepherd’s Table, which serves meals daily for working poor and un-housed individuals. Gratitude to Alison Peterson, who volunteered to deliver the food, and to the Stephens family for packing and loading the food in Alison’s car.
The display will need to be seen from the back of the sanctuary, so individual large size fruits and vegetables are particularly desirable. Suggested food items include:
- Apples
- Oranges
- Grapefruit
- Pineapple
- Pears
- Pumpkins (any color)
- Winter Squash (Butternut, Acorn, Delicata, Spaghetti, Blue Hubbard)
- Cauliflower
- Broccoli
- Cabbage (red and green)
- Potatoes
- Sweet potatoes
- Stalks of brussel sprouts
- Leafy Greens (kale, collards)
- Cucumbers
- Zucchini
- Leeks
- Carrots
- Celery
- Fennel
- Onions
- Bunches of herbs (parsley, dill)
Please bring your fresh food contribution to church this Sunday (especially items that will survive one week without refrigeration!), or drop off your food items during Church Office Hours, Monday – Thursday next week, 9:30am to 12:30pm. (You may also inquire about a special appointment if you want to come at a different time.)

Shaw Community Center Angel Tree 2022

“Everything But The Turkey” Food Drive 2022
In November 2022, we collected 40+ bags and boxes of “Thanksgiving Food Kits” and other nonperishable food essentials for families in need in our community. All donations went directly to Manna Food Center. It was a truckload of food, going straight to families in need who will be able to chose the items they want for their holiday meals.

Fresh Food for Shepherd’s Table 2022
In the week before Thanksgiving, we collected an abundant harvest of seasonal fresh produce to adorn the CCC Altar for our Thanksgiving Service, and immediately afterwards to donate to Shepherd’s Table.
Shepherd’s Table, a nonprofit community based organization, was formed through the joint effort of 33 local religious congregations which included CCC to help people who are homeless or in need by providing basic services — including meals, social services, medical support, clothing, and other assistance. Some members of our congregation have helped to serve dinner at Shepherd’s Table in the past.

Thanksgiving Gift Cards for Shaw Community Center 2022
We raised a total of $1470 for Shaw Community Center this month! On Thursday afternoon (Nov. 17th), Marjorie Hoffman delivered 13 gift cards plus a large donation check to Shaw Community Center. The gift cards represent freedom of choice for families living in the Shaw Community to purchase a Thanksgiving meat (or vegan alternative) of their choice from local grocery stores. Shaw Director Melissa Laws gratefully received the donation.

Annual Mitten Tree Collection 2022
Mittens, gloves, hats, scarves, boots and winter coats for children ages 4 to 12 will be collected from Sunday, November 27th until Sunday, December 18th for the children at JoAnn Leleck Elementary School @ Broad Acres in Silver Spring. Thank you for your generous donation of new and gently used winter clothing.