Christ Congregational Church

Fall 2024 Women’s Retreat

Fall 2024 Women’s Retreat

Fall Women’s Retreat 2024

Date & Location: Friday evening, October 25, 2024 – Sunday morning, October 27, 2024 at the CCC Retreat Center in West Virginia.

Leader: Beth Norcross, Founder and Executive Director of The Center for Spirituality in Nature ( With extensive training and experience in both theology and ecology, Beth Norcross founded and directs the Center for Spirituality in Nature. She speaks, writes and leads numerous programs that offer spiritual guidance for developing deep, sustained, loving relationships with nature. 

Theme: The Spiritual Wisdom of Trees

Discover the many deep spiritual lessons we can learn from our ancient elders, the trees, such as gratitude and reciprocity, connection and communion, hope and healing.

Time: The retreat will begin at 8:00 p.m. Friday evening. You may arrive as early as 3 p.m. Friday afternoon, however if you do plan to arrive in the afternoon, please bring your own evening meal.

Our program with Beth Norcross will be all day on Saturday. If you are driving up on Saturday, please arrive by 9:30am. 

The retreat ends at approximately noon on Sunday.

Who Can Attend: The retreat is open to all CCC women. We are an inclusive community of spiritual seekers where we honor and celebrate women of all races, cultures, ages, abilities, sexual orientations, and gender identities. Come for the entire weekend, one night, or just for the day on Saturday.

Accomodations: Overnight space is limited to 23 people on a first-come-first-served basis, in three heated cabins with bunk beds and full bath in each cabin. One cabin is equipped with a ramp and accessible bathroom. There is no limit to those who wish to come for the day on Saturday.

Meals: We do our own cooking in the renovated, fully equipped kitchen.

There will be four meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday.

When you register, you will be asked which meal you would like to help prepare. Meals are an opportunity for creativity and simplicity. Your team is free to choose its own menu.

Costs: The cost for the weekend is $100 for the entire retreat, $75 for one night, or $65 for the day on Saturday only. This increase covers the Retreat Center rental fees and an honorarium for the Center for Spirituality in Nature. Scholarships and sliding scale fee available. 

Mail your checks, made out to CCC, to the church with Women’s Retreat on the memo line.

Christ Congregational Church
9525 Colesville Road
Silver Spring, MD 20901

**In addition, bring cash ($25 in small bills) to cover meal costs shared among all the participants. If bringing food, please bring your receipts labeled with your name. The receipts are totaled and divided by the number of participants to determine the fair share for each. Some may need to be reimbursed for paying more than their share, some may need to add to what they have already spent for purchases. For those who are not supplying food, come prepared to help reimburse those who are.

What to Bring: Besides your bedding (sleeping bag or sheets/blanket for a twin sized bed), pillow, bath towel and personal belongings, please bring:

  • A reusable water bottle to use throughout the weekend
  • A cloth napkin for meals
  • One roll of paper towels
  • One septic system friendly roll of toilet paper
  • Cloth hand towel for bathroom
  • Food for meals and receipts
  • $25 cash in small bills
  • Snacks to share if desired
  • Indoor shoes/slippers if desired (would like to keep outdoor shoes and associated dirt out of the house)
  • Walking shoes and outdoor attire (we hope to spend a significant amount of time outside on Saturday)
  • Walking stick if desired
  • Journal

COVID Policy: Testing within 24 hours of arriving is encouraged.

Travel Info: Carpooling is strongly encouraged! If it is your first time attending, we especially recommend traveling with others. A carpool list will be created to help coordinate. Directions to the Retreat Center will be sent out the week of the retreat. GPS is not always reliable with the final turns so please refer to directions.

Registration: The link to sign up is posted in the weekly e-news during the registration period. There will also be a registration table at church on Sundays leading up to the retreat where you can sign up in person.

Registration will be open from September 15th until October 20th.

Questions: Please contact Claire Barry at or 410-350-4905.