Christ Congregational Church

October 6 Worship Materials

October 6 Worship Materials

This Sunday, October 6th, 10:30am
World Communion Sunday

We are delighted to invite you to World Communion Sunday worship at Christ Congregational Church — where our inclusive community of spiritual seekers honors and celebrates people of all races, cultures, ages, abilities, sexual orientations, and gender identities. Join us on Sunday October 6th at 10:30 AM, in person or on Zoom.

This week Leeann Irwin is our Lay Reader, and Pastor Matt offers a sermon, “One Bread, One Body” based on Mark 10:13-16. We will enjoy beautiful music by our beloved Chancel Choir, with Brad Sperber, Spencer Clark and Ingrid Baynes, soloists; and Graham Meeks, djembe.

At the heart of the service, Pastor Matt and Pastor Aubra lead us through the Sacrament of Communion on this World Communion Sunday. CCC practices open communion. Anyone who seeks the love of God is welcome at the Table. Jesus shared a life for the whole world; we seek to be as welcoming and open as he is. The variety of communion breads this Sunday includes samples from six continents. The diversity of citizens living in the United States allows us to have access and to enjoy the flavors and textures shared by people from around the world. This year we are adding more Middle Eastern breads. As you taste any or all of these breads, please pray for Reconciliation and Peace in that region and beyond.

“Beloved community, on this World Communion Sunday, we gather as branches from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and traditions, united by our shared faith in God’s boundless love. In this sacred moment, we invite you to join us at this table of unity and inclusivity. Embracing who you are and where you come from, we welcome you here. Let us celebrate the communion of our hearts and souls, recognizing that we are all ingrafted branches into the tree of faith.”

After worship, please join us for refreshments downstairs in the Social Hall along with our Transition Town Hall Meeting after worship.

Download the Bulletin

  • Here is the bulletin for this Sunday.

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Meeting ID: 119 508 399