One Great Hour of Sharing 2022

Lenten Season – One Great Hour of Sharing Offering for the United Church of Christ.
The theme for the 2022 United Church of Christ’s One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) offering is “Love Remains”. It is based on the scripture from 1 Corinthians 13:13 (NRSV) “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”
As we enter the Lenten Season, once again people in the US and around the world have been impacted by devastating wildfires, hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, wars, COVID19 pandemic, economic hardship and social injustice. Individuals have been left homeless, hungry, and jobless. Communities are waiting for disaster relief, and families are grieving from the loss of loved ones. Refugees and asylum seekers are left in limbo in temporary housing or languishing at borders.
When you share your monetary gifts with OGHS you deploy resources to people in need internationally, nationally and locally. Your gift allows the UCC to fulfill its commitment to help respond immediately and for the long haul. Your gift ensures that no matter how difficult the situation, love remains.
There are several ways to give to the UCC One Great Hour of Sharing Offering during March 2022:
1) with a check (made payable to Christ Congregational Church with OGHS offering in the memo line) mailed to the church office at 9525 Colesville Rd Silver Spring, MD 20901,
2) with a click on the “donate “ button at to give through Vanco,
3) by giving through Breeze at,
4) by texting the word “GIVE” to 1.301.867.7143, or
5) you can donate directly at by clicking on the donate button for OGHS.
Thank you for your generosity. Love remains. Trish Esposito