Pastor Aubra Love
Executive Pastor
Pastor Aubra shares a range of ministry gifts focused on enhancing our church’s
mission and vision through liturgical arts and resource management.
Working in concert with the Senior Minister, Pastor Aubra provides specific skills for
sustainability with strategic planning guidance, all consistent with the CCC mission and
vision. This ministry partnership allows greater flexibility for the Senior Minister to focus
on the inspirational, visionary leadership and community building needs of our church,
while Pastor Aubra ensures the infrastructure excellence necessary and innovation in
our time of transition.
Pastor Aubra’s qualifications, commitment to inclusivity, and devotion to the mission of
Christ Congregational make her presence and ministry especially instrumental in
guiding our congregation as we move forward, together, on our collective faith journey.
An authorized minister whose ministerial standing is held in the Central Atlantic
Conference of the United Church of Christ, Pastor Aubra was ordained in the Southern
Conference of the UCC. She has also served the United Church of Christ in the Pacific
Northwest Conference and Southeast Conference, prior to relocating to Maryland.
Pastor Aubra Love is a public theologian, pastor and movement ethicist with more than
25 years of ministerial excellence and organizing.
A retired commercial banker, active nonprofit executive and testifying grandmother, Rev.
Love is a graduate of Cornell University in Ithaca, NY and the Morehouse School of
Religion at the Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta, GA.