The Worship and Arts Engagement Area, with the staff support of the Senior Minister and the Director of Music, supports the Sunday morning worship services and other special liturgical services throughout the year, and works to enhance the artistic beauty of the church and sanctuary.
Worship & Arts is compromised of the following groups:
The Committee for the Arts is responsible for planning programs of art, including, but not limited to, paintings, photography, and other artistic expressions.
The Production Team (formerly AV Team) operates the sanctuary sound system for each worship service and memorial service. The team also assists with streaming online worship services.
The Sanctuary Guild prepares the sanctuary for Sunday worship and liturgical services throughout the year and provides fresh floral arrangements weekly for the church lobby.
Service opportunities include preparing arrangements from the altar flowers [donated by members] for pastoral care teams to take to the bereaved, ill and shut-in; decorating the church for Christmas; supporting the pastors conducting weddings, funerals, memorial services and other special worship services; and donating the produce on the Thanksgiving altar to Shepherd’s Table.
The Guild provides wedding hospitality on behalf of the church; we work in teams on a voluntary basis. Men and women participate; no special skills or talents are needed. Orientation is provided. The Guild is a supportive, relaxed and fun group; we learn from and help each other!
Guild members get together about 4 times a year to decorate the altar for Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas and to gather for a meal, a workshop and planning. Commitments range from signing up for weekend flower duty a few times a year to helping with a holiday such as Easter, Thanksgiving or Christmas.
Ushers welcome people to worship, assist with seating, take up offering, and clean out the pews following each service. Along with the security team, they add an extra level of security to our building during worship.
The Communion Team assists the Senior Minister by providing the proper supplies for the Sacrament on the first Sunday of each month. The team also assists with serving communion during worship.
Christ Congregational Church has a wide variety of musical opportunities to fuel the spirit and serve the Lord. Beginning at age 4, there are opportunities to sing or play a musical instrument during services, including choirs, the Acoustic Band Players, and the Intergenerational Orchestra. For information on any of the music programs, please contact Sam Wack.
Interested in Volunteering for one of the above groups?